Issue 10 Editor’s Note
A couple weeks ago we put out a survey to you, our readers, to get some feedback and see how we can make this magazine better. Thanks to everyone who responded. We appreciate your comments and we’re looking into implementing several of your ideas. (You can still take the survey if you have feedback for us, by the way.)
One thing that a few of you mentioned was our rather erratic release schedule. And you’re right. Releasing our “June” issue toward the end of July is far from perfect, and we want to fix that. We’re now figuring out how to streamline our production process so we can hit our deadlines and get every issue out on time, and we should have a more regular schedule within the next issue or two. Thanks for your understanding in the meantime.
Staff changes: We’d like to thank Kurt Madsen for his work on the magazine and wish him well with his new baby. Liesl Hansen is our new Visual & Applied Arts section editor. ❧