Issue 13 Editor’s Note
This is our biggest and hopefully our best issue yet. While we’ve interviewed a number of science fiction and fantasy people already—Brandon Sanderson, Jessica Day George, Howard Tayler, Brandon Dorman, and Julie Wright, just to name a few—there were still many, many others we wanted to feature.
And here we are. We’ve got a lot of goodies for you in this issue, as you can see from the table of contents, including a special episode of Writing Excuses that Brandon Sanderson, Dan Wells, and Howard Tayler have recorded just for our readers.
The number of New York Times bestselling authors in this issue is awe-inspiring, and yet there are plenty more who we weren’t able to include, not to mention all the other Mormons doing science fiction and fantasy work of one kind or another. Look for them in future issues of Mormon Artist. It may take us until the Millennium to interview them all, though, and that’s a wonderful thing.
Special thanks to Dave Doering for the initial idea of doing a science fiction and fantasy issue and for helping coordinate several of the interviews. ❧